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Register With Us

Hi there! We are so excited that you’d like to start with WSBS Tutoring! However, the very first thing we need you to do is read, understand, and accept our Tutoring Agreement. You can find it by clicking here or by looking under ‘Support’ at the bottom of this page (or at the bottom of any page of our website, really!)

After that has been submitted and completed, please use the form below to register with us. Please use this form to register with us, whether you plan to do a group or an individual session.

There’s a button for you to add more students if needed. If you have TWO or more children in your household that you’d like tutoring services for, please make sure to add ALL potential students.

I just submitted everything, now what?

Now, you’ll be in our system. We regularly have several applications to process, so please be patient. A representative from WSBS Tutoring will contact you regarding your tutoring request, and you’ll be invited to join the WSBS Tutoring Community.

I've already registered. How do I log in?

If you’ve already registered and received an activation email, you should have access to your portal! All you need to do now is simply log in to the portal. You can do that by clicking here, or clicking on the ‘Student Portal’ tab of our navigation!

If you do not have access to your portal yet, please contact us, and we will send you an email with further instructions. Thank you so much being apart of the WSBS Tutoring Community!